competition n. 1.竞争。 2.比赛,竞赛。 3.【生物学】生存竞争。 a boxing competition拳击比赛。 competitionin arms 军备竞赛。 be [stand] in competition with (sb.) for 为…和(某人)竞争。 put (sb.) in [into] competition with ...使(某人)与(另一人)竞争。
Helps the business sector maintain a commercial environment conducive to fair competition and efficiency 第九条帮助商界维持一个公平竞争及高效率的营商环境。
Helps the business sector maintain a commercial environment conducive to fair competition and efficiency 》第九条帮助商界维持一个公平竞争及高效率的营商环境。
Greater competition and efficiency form one arm of the hkma s programme of banking sector reform 金管局推行银行业改革计划,一方面是要提高竞争及效率,另一方面就是促进银行业的安全稳健。
In the section on monopolistic competition and efficiency , the text notes that monopolistic competition “ supports a surplus of firms that mostly underutilize their capacity 在独霸竞争和效率当中,文中/报告显示独霸竞争的定义是“为那些未能充分利用资源的公司获取盈利” 。
" however at the same time , we are well aware that changes to enhance competition and efficiency in the banking system must be balanced by the need to maintain a stable environment 简达恒指出:然而,我们也清楚了解,为提高银行体系的竞争能力及效率而作出的变化,必须同时顾及维持稳定环境的需要。
The review notes that there are three key policy objectives to be addressed in hong kong s oversight of retail payment systems : promoting transparency of the operation of payment systems and services , monitoring the determination of fees and charges , and promoting market access , competition and efficiency 检讨指出,本港对零售支付系统的监管需要达到下列三项主要政策目标:提高支付系统及服务运作的透明度监察厘定收费及费用以及促进市场的开放程度竞争及效率。
As to the problem on the structure of the real estate market and operation pattern , a lot of experts and intelligences thought that the real estate , is the same as other manufactory in china , has too much competitive so that the industry structure is scattered . on the contrary , any people a lot of different point of view , for example , according to the 3 major index of undue competition concluded by jiang xiaojuan ( 1998 ) on the “ much accession of enterprise ” , “ low efficiency of the whole industry ” and “ competition and efficiency won ’ t produce elimination ” , explanation of mass situation - - - restructuring the 与此观点相对应,许多人也提出了不同的观点,如:根据江小娟( 1998年)将“企业进入太多” 、 “全行业长期低效益” 、 “竞争和低效益不能产生淘汰作用”总结的过度竞争的三大主要指标,任纪军在《破解乱局? ?重整中国房地产经济》一书中认为,房地产行业不存在全行业的长期低效益,而是相反。
The enhancing of " rule of law " idea , competition and efficiency concept , innovation and accomplishment feelings consists of the achievements , while the problems lie in the neglect of service , the prevalence of power commercializing , the absence of creative spirit , the endangerment of self - conscious and short - sighted behaviors and so forth 1 、我国公务员行政道德建设现状透视这一部分主要分析了目前我国公务员行政道德建设取得的成就和存在的问题,其成就是:法制观念增强;竞争意识、效率观念得到强化;主体意识增强;成就价值感突出。